How to withdraw ABYSS tokens

To be able to withdraw or top up tokens with your The Abyss account, you have to enable Two-Factor authentication(2FA) on your account.

1. Make sure your 2FA is enabled

2. Log in your personal account using The Abyss Platform Desktop or web version (

3. Click on your nickname after you have logged in and click  “Withdrawal”

4. Enter the address of your private Ethereum wallet where your Abyss Tokens are going to be sent. Please note: you should withdraw to the wallet that supports ERC20 tokens.

5. Enter amount of Abyss Tokens you want to withdraw. Fees are not counting in this field.

6. You can see fees you will be charged for the withdrawal. Transaction fee will be applied. Fee is calculated based on the current currencies exchange rate.

7. You can see net amount of Abyss Tokens you will receive in your wallet.

8. Hit the “Generate Transaction” button to create a request.

9. After that, you must confirm withdrawal by entering two 2FA codes:

Enter the first 2FA code which you receive on your email address;

Enter the second 2FA code with Google Authenticator;

Press “Withdrawal” button.

That’s all!

After the transaction is processed, your ABYSS will be transferred to the wallet.

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